lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010

"Peyton Place" de Grace Metalious...

Pueblo pequeño, infierno grande. Grace Metalious no sólo desgració la vida de sus vecinos con la publicación, en 1956, de "Peyton Place", fenómeno editorial que borró la distinción entre alta y baja cultura cuando confundir ambas cosas aún no estaba de moda. En opinión de muchos, sin este libro no habrían existido "Melrose Place" y "Twin Peaks". Algunos paladines de la utilidad incluso estiman que "Peyton Place" dio empuje al movimiento feminista estadounidense y ocasión de revisar la hipocresía moral de la época. Pero gracias a este incordio de libro, Metalious también se ganó la muerte social y, según el parecer de sus biógrafos, la cirrosis que acabaría con ella a los treinta y nueve años.

Vídeo: Peyton Place Tribute. A tribute to "Peyton Place" and its many incarnations - novel, film and prime time television series. Author Grace Metalious daringly exposed the hypocrisy and secrets of small town life, which caused the people in her hometown to turn on her, and even her early death at 39 from cirrhosis of the liver did not seem to soften those who were opposed to her scandalous novel and tried unsuccessfully to "erase" her and stop her burial in a local graveyard. I'm sure that at times Grace felt a great deal like the characters she created - stifled, made to suffer for the sake of convention, and shunned because she didn't play by the rules. She stated in an interview that she did not feel that "Peyton Place" would be remembered, but I think if she were alive now, she would be happy to know that her novel and its dramatizations have survived, and helped inspire other novelists like Jaqueline Susann and Jackie Collins, as well as help tear down censorship and play a part in the emergance of gender equality. I didn't use too many effects, but the ones I chose seemed to go very well with the montage.

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